Carnations were mentioned in Greek literature 2,000 years ago. "Dianthus" scientific name was coined by Greek botanist Theophrastus, and is derived from the Greek words for divine ("dios") and flower ("anthos").
Some scholars believe that the name "carnation" comes from "coronation" or "corone" (flower garlands), as it was one of the flowers used in Greek ceremonial crowns. Others think the name stems from the Latin "caro" (genitive "carnis") (flesh), which refers to the original colour of the flower, or incarnatio (incarnation), which refers to the incarnation of God made flesh.
carnation flowers come in amazingly large variable colors . my aunt used to grow them in her flower pots and i never got tired of looking at the tiny ruffled petals . God is an amazing artist :)
coming to the Lotus herbal pure color s lipstick Carnation, its the first peach lipstick i'm wearing. though it looks coral peachy , the orange tint doesn't show up on my lips .