Monday, May 12, 2014

ELRA Mini Hair Straightener Review

 I don't need a hair straightener since my hair is naturally straight but then its always nice to have one just for fun >^_^<

I was sent this ultra cute ELRA Mini hair straightener for review by CosmeticLove.
It comes in 3 colours-Pink,Green and black.
Pink and Green are always out of stock so i decided to go for the basic black.
It is travel size so you can see how tiny the straightener is (i've compared the size to a pen.)
PRICE $19.91
You can buy it HERE
 There is no temperature moderator.
Just an "ON" and "OFF" switch.
It heats up quickly but since the straightening blade is really small i have to take very tiny sections of my hair.
In order to show how effective it is i pre-curled my hair into soft beach waves and then straightened it.
You can see the outcome in the before-after picture.
The product is really handy if you want to carry it while travelling.
But if you have thick hair then i would suggest you to stay away from this.
You need a lot of patience to straighten tinyyyy sections of the hair.
Therefore i use it mostly for my fringe if i want to style it a particular way.
They also have mini hair curler and hair dryer which are all too cute!!!
I'm not pleased with this product only because
1. it is too time consuming 
2.Temperature control not possible. just on-off switch

However it does it's job well.


  1. nice review. love these colorful straighteners

  2. wao philz, its so cute..........U have got a great it!!

  3. For girls who used small size bags this is very helpful, handy you can bring this anywhere, just make sure you their is sucket to be plugged in. Read more at

  4. You do it on a towel dried hairor dried hair?
